By Francis K. L00

BODY OF CHRIST              

基 督 (救 世 主) 的 身 體


In a review of some of my writings published in the Truth Monthly in the past decades, I try to collate them into various topics to be under one embracive subject: that is “Body of Christ”.  Those who have not believed in Christianity or green to the faith may find it far-fetching. However, I’ve observed that it would be a common inadvertent error oblivious to Christians who practise spirituality virtually non-conforming to the Truth.

The Body of Christ is the Christian holy family. Jesus Christ, the God incarnate, is the head of the church. God sent His only Son into the world to save the world through him. Every believer is a Godchild in the same family. God reveals himself in Scripture as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit — the Holy Trinity of three divine personalities. The full sense of divine revelation is not relevant for personal salvation only but also for evangelism. It is not just to make known the Good News to make more converts but to make disciples according to the context of the Great Commission.

Every believer enters into this mission. Making disciples . . .  . is a lifestyle of obedience incumbent on the whole body of Christ, the church. (P11, THE HEART OF THE GOSPEL by Robert E. Coleman).

Heavenly Father God in his Word (i.e., the Bible) reveals to us He is LOVE, WAY, TRUTH, LIFE and FRIEND . . .  Amen! 

Church — God’s Household
When we are travelling around England, France or Italy, we are often impressed by majestic European cathedrals. And then, we will think about the elegant Gothic buildings when people mention the Christian church. However, God’s church does not merely refer to a building or religious ceremony. According to the Bible, God chose a group of people to have his high calling. This group is considered a God’s church. God blessed these people with various gifts, unity in mission, and the opportunity to work with God for completing his plan of salvation for the human world. Before Jesus left for heaven, he had told the disciples:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).

This is a commandment with a divine promise. It meant to lead disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. It asked all the followers of Jesus to baptize new believers so that these believers would also become God’s children. All the teachings of Jesus should be taught to younger Christian brothers and sisters. All disciples have the same mission, which is preaching the Gospel. When all the believers go out for the sake of evangelism, Jesus promised to be with them always until the day of his second coming. At that time, all the dead will have a resurrection, and the Saints of Christ will be taken to God’s side and stay with him eternally. (1 Thessalonians 3:13-18)

When we are preaching the Gospel, we need to make sure God’s church sticks to the following guidelines:

Solo Scripture– Bible is the only foundation for our faith. Every believer needs to keep the word of God. It is wise to be always alert toward teachings in the church. We should not be moved because of trendy beliefs from the world, and we should not act like false teachers who make the same mistakes as the Pharisees.

Preachers need to aim for setting an example for believers in faith and in purity. It is appropriate to guide believers by loving, rebuking, encouraging and teaching them.

Regarding this issue, Paul used to tell Timothy﹕ “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Timothy 4:16).

The attitude towards tradition– Traditions could be altered for accommodating generation gap, geographic diversity and cultural differences. However, every single change should be made biblically. It is good for believers to give up personal preferences to achieve a great mission for Christ.

The proper way to interact with others– “LOVE” is the only core value, and it is the only righteous motivation as well. This is because “God is love”; “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him” (John 3:16-17).

Elders and preachers need to help the lost to reconcile with God. They need to play the role of peacemakers. No matter what, God will have the final judgment. If we truly believe in this spiritual principle, we will be inspired by the same spirit, looking at issues from the perspective of Christ. And then, it will be possible for the church to have the same goal, the same mission. When we have unity and live for the same purpose, we will be able to enjoy God’s protection in the ministry of worship, prayer, Bible study, mission trip, fellowship and evangelism. At the same time, we will also enjoy God’s graceful presence according to his promise.

教 會–神 的 家
作 者: 盧 國 禮   中 譯 :小 米 Naomi


“…天上地下所有的權柄﹐都賜給我了。所以你們要去﹐使萬民作我的門徒﹐奉父子聖靈的名﹐給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的﹐都教訓他們遵守﹐我就常與你們同在﹐直到世界的末了” (馬太福音28:18-20) 。

這是一條帶應許的誡命,意思是叫門徒們應該走出去﹐傳福音給世上所有的人﹐給他們施洗,作神的兒女。將耶穌所有的教訓﹐都教導初信的弟兄姊妹。每個門徒都有傳福音的使命。而當信徒們履行這一使命的時候,耶穌答應會常與他們同在﹐直到祂再來的日子。到了那時,死人要復活﹐聖徒要被提到神那裡﹐與神永遠同在 (帖撒羅尼迦前書3:13-18)。

在傳福音的過當中, 神的教會需要在以下幾點上不偏左右:

惟獨聖經 –《聖經》是基督徒惟一的信仰基礎。我們必須堅守真道﹐恆常儆醒﹐不可因新潮流的衝擊而擺動﹐切勿犯上法利賽人 “假冒為善” 的錯誤。


處理傳統的態度– 因著時代的不同、地域的分別以及文化的差異﹐傳統應照時世的需要﹐在不違背《聖經》真理前提下﹐作出讓步﹐而不要墨守成規。信徒應放下偏執﹐在耶穌基督裏求同存異、和而不同。

對一切人與事的適當處理方法– “愛” 是惟一的核心價值﹐也是唯一正確的出發點﹐因為 “神就是愛”﹔“神愛世人﹐甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們﹐叫一切信他的﹐不至滅亡﹐反得永生。因為神差他的兒子降世﹐不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因他得救” (約翰福音3﹕16-17 )。

執事會及傳道者的重任是叫人與神和好﹐所以必須誠心擔當和平之子的角色﹔一切是是非非﹐神必審問。若是我們都能明白此理﹐在主裏同感一靈、以基督的心為心﹐教會便會有共同的目標、共同的使命。當我們合一團結、向著標竿直跑﹐那麼不論是敬拜禱告、研讀《聖經》、事工差傳、團契生活、宣講福音就都能順利,都可蒙神祝福和保守;而這也就是神所應許得有他 “同 在” 的恩

Burnaby Christ Church of China – Early History

Though the low-lying and damp site,                                                                                           

The actual locale was considered right.                                                                           

Public Hearing was a must;                                                                                                       

Neighbours were like crazy nuts.

Wisdom and faith believers had;                                                                                                        

City’s approval was God bless.                                                                                                              

So swiftly went into a stage of design;                                                                                                  

God blessed Kingsly — the architect fine.

Firmly laid the foundation stones                                                             

As the Word of God was made known.                                                                                                  

Up went two stories a church complete                                                                                            

With parking facilities we need.

Then came Inauguration Day.                                                                                                                

 June the First was earmarked for the date.                                                                                              

 In the year of our Lord – 1997.                                                                                                     

 Pastor Wong had dedicated it to Heaven.

Exalting upward to the Triune God,                                                                                             

Showering with blessings from the only God.                                                                              

 Brothers and sisters in fellowship enjoyed;                                                                                         

Cell groups and relationships were well employed.

Bible classes more and more,                                                                                                           

 Three to attend out of four.                                                                                                              

Every summer was held the Children Camp.        

So well and earnestly they wanted to attend.

Gospels proclaimed implanting into their hearts;                                                                             

Blessed are those who bring Truth to their parents’ hearts.                                                                

Thus our Lord so blessed our church                                                                                                  

Until Satan began to hurt.

Nitty-gritty, this and that…                                                                                                     

 Complained, gossiped and attacked.                                                                                                     

The shepherd steadfastly stood at the gate,                                                                                     

Loyally guarded and fighting his fate

But God permitted Satan to strike.                                                                                                  

 Not to fathom His will, not to fight.                                                                                                   

Faith is trusting God, true and real,                                                                                                       

Not to query, doubt and feel.

For surely, O Lord, we believe                                                                                                               

You bless the righteous and forgive.                                                                                                     

We pray, O Lord, you will unfold,                                                                                                           

So we know the way we will go.

We pray, O Lord, you bless his soul,                                                                                                 

Pastor Wong — the mission to go.                                                                                                     

In the Kingdom of God, he’ll serve                                                                                                        

To your liking that he will deserve.

By Francis Loo June 10, 2002.


























盧國禮  六月 十日﹐ 2002.

Changing Focus–Self-realization to Christ-realization

A relative of mine says to me that she seeks peace and tranquillity in a specific way every Sunday morning. Early in the morning, she goes into a temple in Vancouver where an organized meeting for individuals would be held in silence—absolute silence that no participant would communicate with those present. Individuals sit straight up-right on a row at the long table, neat and tidy. A pair of chopsticks and a bowl are put in front of each participant in the precise place. Later, vegetarian food will be served. Each one will eat correctly. The whole process is for meditation and self-realization–no exchange of conversations nor any eye contact.

You may think that this is not the way a Christ-follower should do. But wait, and ponder it. .  .

Are we sure we’re not practicing this?

Or, does it perhaps in a modified mode–spiritually lazy. Any one of us could be oblivious to the will of God without reflections in prayers and, or in meditations in communion with the Holy Spirit. We may be fully attentive to church activities and Sunday worshiping mechanically for self-realization only—no room in our hearts for Christ.

Jesus said: Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me (Mathew 10:38). Every Christian is called to bear his or her cross. What is yours? This is the realization of Jesus Christ in God’s plan of redeeming His fallen world. Oswald Chambers said: “We are here so to realize Jesus Christ that the Body of Christ may be built up”.

Hebrews (10:24-25) says: Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, but let us encourage one another. . . .

Jesus [after resurrection] said, “Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee. . . “. (Mathew 28:10). The eleven disciples went.  Jesus said:  “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age “(Mathew 28:19). Then Jesus ascended.

Great thanks must be given to our spiritual brothers and sisters who established this country on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ.  Our country (Canada) provides prospects as follows: (Reference Leviticus 19).

  •  Love God and be holy (Religious freedom).
  • Respect your father and mother.
  • Respect the elderly.
  • Do not turn to idols.
  • Healthy Food and Health Care System.
  • Social Welfare and charity.
  • Law and order,
  • Good education.
  • Love your neighbour (multiculturalism).
  • Etc., etc…     

Heavenly Father:                                                                                                                           

Dear Lord, I’m yours—totally yours. In the Body of Christ (the church) may we know you all the more? So instead of focusing on self-realization of individual life, we’re enabled to focus on realizing Jesus Christ our Lord. And all (brothers and sisters) will measure up to the fullness of Christ. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

點 的 改 換 – -從 認 識 自 己 改 為 認 識 基 督

作 者: 盧 國 禮


個別人士,嚴肅正坐,排列於長型桌前,井然整潔。參予者面前,放置一雙筷子和碗在固定的位置。稍後,素飯菜送來。每人恭禮而食。整個程序是為了默想,和認識自己, 無互相溝通,亦無視覺接觸。

你們試想想, 這並非基督徒應跟隨的途徑……。但等等, 再思量此問題……。



耶穌說:”不背著他的十字架跟從我的,也不配作我的門徒”(馬太福音10:38) 。 每個基督徒被召背負著十架。你背負著的十架是甚麼?這就是認識基督在神的拯救世上罪人的計劃。Oswald Chambers 說:”我們在世要認識耶穌基督,因此,基督的身體可建立。”



耶穌[復活後]說:”你們去告訴我的弟兄,叫他們往加利利去…… “(馬太福音28:10)。那十一個門徒便去了。耶穌說:”你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒,奉父、子、聖靈的名,給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了”(馬太福音28:19)。然後,耶穌便升天去。


  • 愛神,走聖潔之路(宗教自由)。
  • 敬愛父母。
  • 不 拜 偶 像
  • 健 康 食 物 及 保 健 制 度
  • 社 會 福 利 及 愛 心 慈 惠
  • 法 律 及 秩 序
  • 優 質 教 育
  • 愛 鄰 舍 (多 元 民 化 政 策)

 親 愛 的 主 ,我 是 屬 您 的 , 真 真 正 正 屬 您 。在 基 督 身 體 裏 (教 會) 讓 我 們認  識 您 更 深 。不 要 聚 焦 在 認 識 個 人 的 生 命,  讓 我 們 能 聚 焦 認 識 耶 穌 基督 , 我 們 的 主 ,以 致 所 有 弟 兄 姊 妹 長 成 美 滿 基 督 的 身 量 。奉 耶 穌 名 祈 禱 。阿 們 。

His Birth and Our New Birth

Author: Oswald Chambers / Translated by Francis Loo

Behold a virgin shall bring forth a son, and they shall call His name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us” Isaiah 7:14 (RV).

His Birth in History.

Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:35). Jesus Christ was born into this world, not from it. He did not evolve out of history; He came into history from the outside. Jesus Christ is not the best human being. He is a Being, Who cannot be accounted for by human race at all. He is not man becoming God, but God Incarnate. God coming into human flesh, coming into it from outside. His life is the Highest and the Holiest entering in at the Lowest door. Our Lord’s birth was an advent.

His Birth in Me.

Of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you” (Gal.4:19). Just as Our Lord came into human history from outside, so He must come into me from outside. Have I allowed my personal human life to become a “Bethlehem” for the Son of God? I cannot enter into the realm of the Kingdom of God unless I am born from above by a birth totally unlike natural birth. “Ye must be born again.” This is not a command, it is a foundation fact. The characteristic of the new birth is that I yield myself so completely to God that Christ is formed in me. Immediately Christ is formed in me. His nature begins to work through me.

God manifests in flesh– that is what is made profoundly possible for you and me by the Redemption. (Oswald Chambers) Published in Truth Monthly June 2018

祂 的 降 生 與 我 們 的 新 生   His Birth and Our New Birth

作 者: Oswald Chambers / 中 譯:盧 國

“……主自己要給你們一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子,給他起名叫以馬內利 (就是神與我們同在的意思)。”  (以賽亞書 7:14,和合本)。


“……所要生的聖者,必稱為 神的兒子。”(路加福音 1:35,和合本) 耶穌基督降生世上,不是出生於這世界。祂並非是人類歷史的產品,而是從天上進入人類歷史中。耶穌基督不只是一個”至善的人”,而是一位 神。祂是神,不是從人成為 神,而是神披上肉身,從天上降生世間。神從外進入世界內, 成為肉身。祂—生命—是至高者、至聖者走進了最卑下的門。祂是至高至聖者,卻甘願卑微,降生塵世。

祂在我裏面我為你們再受生產之苦,直等到基督成形在你們心裏。”  (加拉太書,4:19) 就好像我們的主從天上進入歷史中間,祂必也從外進入我心裏

。 我有沒有讓我個人的生命成為 “伯利恆”,獻給 神的兒子呢?除非我是從上頭而生,完全不像自然肉身的出生, 我就不可能進入 神的國度。”你必要重生” 這不是命令,乃是基本事實。新生命的特質就是我把自己完完全全地降服於 神,使基督在我裏面。當我如此作時,基督就會立時住在我裏面﹐祂的美善屬性透過我開始工作

神在肉身顯現,你和我藉著祂的救贖把祂的美善流露出來。[摘錄於 <<我向祂至高者的極大獻上>>]

What is faith?

“Is there meaning in life?” I asked myself.

I was about 40 when after immigrating to Toronto and we returned to Hong Kong in 1980. I gave no thought to the career that I’d established and I was conscious I had to work hard again to rebuild my new career. I attached not but believed with confidence that I could make it. I did have a good start though circumstances forced me to change. I returned with my other half–so poor in health. Over a tedious long period of medical care, she recovered. And more fully physically and spiritually strong since 1992—been baptized into the faith of Jesus Christ…

I believe in philosophy and traditional Chinese teachings such as Confucius, Mencius’ etc., which guide me in the way of life. From 1980 to 1992, I studied Buddhist teaching with some encouragement and enlightenment. But deep-seated in me something was lacking—Confidence? Hope? Love? . . .

“Is there meaning in life?” Yes, I felt it. There was no possible proof. I had no answer until 1992 when I’ve been baptized into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I was re-birthed in the grace of God and being transformed—positing myself out of myself into Jesus Christ.

This is faith. I call this true faith. Knowledge and experience in life tell us that we can quickly fly to Hong Kong or a certain destination via Air Canada. With the boarding ticket, you may rest assured that your plane will land at Chip Lap Kwok International Airport. Why would you be so confident without fear? Why didn’t you hesitate at the airport gate to board the plane? Why won’t you wait a bit or longer to be assured? Why? . . .  Why? . . . Why? . . . Because you’ve faith in Air Canada who will honour the flight. You have no proof that this will be true in life.

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrew 11:1). I believe God rewards those who earnestly seek Him. I believe God is our Creator, He controls my life. No doubt. Life has meaning—its meaning is destined by the grace of God to each of us. We have to obey life and abide by it and embrace the good or the bad bravely. God is in control. Life in this temporary world is like a big mosaic fitted with a tenth of thousands of small and different pieces and I’m just one of them but so important to make the picture complete. This is the eternal plan of our God in His complete salvation.

Let’s beseech and entreat His clemency to save every soul and lead our way of meaningful, and, holy life blameless till He comes again. In Jesus’ name, amen.

何為信? What is faith ?

 作者/ 中譯:盧國禮

“生命有其意義嗎?” 我曾自問。

當年(1980),我若 40 歲, 移民到多倫多之後,又回流香港。 我沒想過我已建立的事業,但心裏知到我需要再次勤勞去重新建立我的新事業。我豪無牽掛地堅信我會有所成就。雖然,我有了好的開始,但是,環境迫使我要改變。我和太太回港,她身體健康甚差。經歷了一段長而疲慮的醫療護理,她康復了。並於 1992 年受洗歸入耶穌基督, 有了信仰後,身子與心靈便更加健狀…

信哲學及傳統中國教導,例如:孔,孟的教導等等,指教我生活之道。從 1980 至 1992 年我學習佛學,得到些鼓勵和曉悟。可是,在我心深處,卻若有所失. . . . . . .自信? 盼望?愛?…

“生命有其意義嗎?” 有的,我感受到。哪可有證據。我無答案,直至 1992 年,當我受浸歸入耶穌基督的死和復活,才知道 神的恩惠使我重生而轉化–超越了自我,歸屬於耶穌基督。

這就是 信。我稱之為 真信。生活的知識和經驗告訴我們,加航可將我們很快飛到香港或其他目的地。持著登機證,你會肯定你的飛機將在赤立角國際機場著陸。為何你如此肯定并不害怕?為何你豪不猶豫地入閘登機? 為何你不少候或等候證為確實呢?為甚麼?. . . . . .  為甚麼?. . . . . . 為甚麼?. . . . . . 因為你有信心加航會嚴格履行其飛程。在生命裏你卻沒有證據這事件將成為真確。

“信就是所望之事的實底、是未見之事的確據” (希伯來書11:1)

我信 神賞賜那尋求祂的人。 我信 神是我們的創造者,祂長管我的生命。 無疑。 生命有意義, 其意是 神的恩惠預定給我們每一個人。我們應要服從生命,依附生命,和勇敢地堅持生命, 無論是好是悲。神在保守。人生寄居於此臨時的世界,好像大型的嵌飾,編織著成千上萬的不同小塊,而我只是其中之一,卻是甚重要,能使那圖畫完整。這乃是我們 神 完全的救贖永恆計劃。

讓我們仰求,切禱 神的慈悲,拯救每一個人,帶領我們行走,有意義,聖潔,無可指責的路,等候祂再來,奉主耶穌名求,阿們 。

Unity in Christ’s Commission 

By Francis Loo

According to the Bible, Jesus once prayed for believers:

My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one. Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one—I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me (John 17:20-23).

Therefore, it is God’s will for believers to be one. It is because of the teachings from Jesus Christ and the unity in the early church, that believers have been taught to know God through knowledge, experience and emotion based on Jesus. To abide in Jesus, believers need to get baptized. Believers find their identities in Christ alone. It is also because of Jesus, that all the believers are blessed by divine grace. Their life is Christ-centered. Their church is Christ-centered. It is just as Christ and God are one; all the believers are also one.

In short, unity in Christ has been part of the essential teachings in the church since the 1st century. It is important for all the followers of Christ. How are we going to apply this teaching then?

In the book of Nehemiah, Bible teaches us:

Before Nehemiah made any plans for rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, he had decided to seek God first. He confessed all his sins. He asked forgiveness from the Lord. He made sure that he had an intimate relationship with God. And then, God’s blessing was upon him, and King Artaxerxes sent him to the city of Judah. The King also sent him letters to the governors, so that they provided him safe conduct and timber. Furthermore, the king had also sent army officers and cavalry with Nehemiah to protect him. (Nehemiah 2:1-10)

The Definition of Unity

According to the Bible, unity means speaking the truth in love, growing to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:15-16)

The Unity of Church Life

The unity of church life is achieved by having believers share the same mind. This is because those who abide in Christ can understand the heart of Jesus. Because of such a godly heart, believers can share the same understanding with God, and such understanding is impossible to share among worldly people. (1 Corinthians 2:16)

The Unity among believers

Christ is the body. Believers are the parts of the body. Every believer serves a unique function. All the believers are baptized by one Spirit to form one body. Therefore, all the believers were all given the one Spirit to drink. (1 Corinthians 12:12-13)

There is only one body, and all the parts belong to it. Different part of the body works for the same purpose. Every part has different gifts from God to serve properly. All the parts work together for the whole body, which is like God designs husband and wife to be one.


Dear heavenly Father,

God! Please give me a pure heart, a loving heart. Please give me a deep sense of understanding that the church is the home of God. Every limb of the body needs to be one. We share the same spirit and work towards the same goal blessed by you. We will worship you with all our hearts, all our minds, all our strength and everything we have. We want to serve you, the trinity God. We will love our neighbours as ourselves.

I pray in the Lord’s name. Amen.


翻 譯 :小 米


因 此, “合 而 為 一” 乃是神對人的心意,藉著主耶穌教導信徒及教會與耶穌基督的聯合。”基督徒對神的知識、經驗、與歡愉之情,都是透過基督而來;他的洗禮是要與基督聯合,他的身份及每一恩福都是在基督裡面,而他的命運也是在基督裡。教會要與主成為一,正如祂與父為一,以及要與所有信徒成為一體。

所以 “合而為一” 的教義是歷代以來的敬拜與教導, 不可不重視。我們怎樣踏進復興的路途呢?

舊 約 尼 希 米 記 有 此 啟 示


合 而 為 一 的 涵


教 會 生 活 的 合 一 


信 徒 的 合 一 





Unity in Christ’s Commission (2)

By Francis Loo

Bible says, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another” (John 13:34 – 35). Here, the teaching from Jesus is straightforward. Christians are asked to love one another, so non-believers will notice their godliness.

Bible says, “God is love”; nobody can follow God without love. No one can separate love from God.

Bible also tells us, “We should love one another . . . Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters” (1 John 3:11-16).

“. . . [Let] us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth” (1 John 3:18).

Therefore, the loving relationships between Christians are not “with words or speech” but “with actions and in truth”. Such love is based on God’s Word, and it helps Christians to live a Christ-centered life. It requires every believer to apply the teachings of Jesus every day. This is what James means when he mentions “faith with deeds” (James 2:14-18).


Application demands that believers sincerely obey God’s commandments. According to the Bible, we have to walk on a narrow life path to follow God. How are we going to do that?

Recently, I have reread a book written by Dr. Bruce Walthe. Its name is “Find the Will of God”. In the book, Dr. Walthe suggests we meditate on God’s grace every day. Meanwhile, we are asked to pray G-R-A-C-E:

  • G–gratitude
    Give thanks to God for his daily blessings.
  • R–reading
    Read the Bible, and study its teachings every day.
  • A–appropriate
    After being inspired by the Bible, apply such inspirations to daily life.
  • C—charity
    Christians are famous for loving people as themselves. We must love people around us, help them, and care for their needs.
  • E–expectation
    Expect to experience the presence of God, to accomplish what he asks us to do, to have the ability to patiently wait for his guidance.

Therefore, we need to have gratitude, read the Bible, apply inspiration, love people and walk with God while we are praying. We need to earnestly seek holiness and divine truth. In this way, God will surely renew our lives so that we can work for the Lord’s commissions together.

Meanwhile, human beings are truly sinful, which made us judgmental, self-righteous, and proud. As a result, we can mistake our own ideas to be God’s will. On such occasions, we act against God’s purpose and his original plans.

In his book “Finding the Will of God”, Dr. Bruce Walthe clearly listed instructions for us to make godly decisions:

1) Make your decision in light of Scripture.

God will not ask us to make a decision, which contradicts the teachings in the Bible, such as divorce. (Matthew 5:32)

2) Make your decision in light of giftedness.

Know who you are, and what is your strength and weakness; accept that you can’t do everything. Bible says,
. . . the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God to wait on tables. Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:1-4).

Paul tells us, “For by the grace given me, I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, by the faith God has distributed to each of you” (Romans 12:3).

3) Make your decision according to your ability.

Some believers are very passionate about God’s ministry. However, they are not self-control in terms of knowing their own limits. Sooner or later, they will face difficulties in church. They are disappointed and have lots to complain about. They become bitter against God.

Acts 11:29 says, “The disciples, as each one was able, decided to provide help for the brothers and sisters living in Judea.” We can’t give what we don’t have. If I don’t have the gift of teaching, I shouldn’t take the responsibility of being a teacher in student ministry.

4) Make your decision according to your circumstances.

It is reasonable to make decisions according to circumstances. The preferences of people will be affected by the environments around them. Apostle Paul gives us some examples in the book of Acts. (Acts 9:23-25, 16:3, 16:9) These examples teach us that we won’t make big mistakes when we have a close relationship with God. This is because the Holy Spirit will guide us when we are making different decisions. Even if we made a mistake, the Spirit will guide us back to God’s light.

5) Make your decision according to an overall strategy.

The overall strategy doesn’t have to be fixed. This is because we can make the right decisions based on guidance from the Holy Spirit. No matter how many changes have been made, we can achieve our goals because of such guidance.

In conclusion, “Unity in Christ’s Commission” is not an empty slogan. Believers can apply it to their daily life. One thing is for sure, we will have to pray continuously if we are willing to be used by the Lord, offer our lives as living sacrifices, work with God, and act according to his will. We need God to give us his divine grace so that we may seek his holiness. May his kingdom come; His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. And then, we will be able to have unity in Christ’s commissions. Amen!

同 心 實 踐 主 使 命 (2)

作 者 : 盧 國 禮

翻 譯 :小 米

《聖經》說: “我賜給你們一條新命令,乃是叫你們彼此相愛﹔我怎樣愛你們,你們也要怎樣相愛。你們若有彼此相愛的心,眾人因此就認出你們是我的門徒了。”(約翰福音13:34-35)



《聖經》又,“我們要彼此相愛,……主為我們捨命,我們從此就知道何為愛﹔我們也當為弟兄捨命。” (約翰一書3:11-16)

“……我們相愛,不要隻在言語和舌頭上,總要在行為和誠實上。” (約翰一書3:18)

所以弟兄姊妹之間的愛並不是看不見摸不著的。屬神的愛是實實在在的,是捨己的。這樣的愛需要以基督的教導為根基,以祂的生命為榜樣,需要我們每個人盡力地行出來。這就是雅各說的聽道後要行道的真理。 (雅各書 2:14-18)



最近我重讀了布魯斯. 豪斯博士的《尋找上帝的旨意》一書。該書建議我們每天思想神的恩典,並在禱告的同時注意以下事項:

  • 感恩–每天感謝神所賜的各樣祝福。
  • 讀經–每天讀《聖經》,學習神的教導。
  • 行道–行道就是在生活中實踐從《聖經》裡得到的啟示。
  • 關懷–基督徒因愛人如己而聞名。我們必須愛身邊的人、幫助他們,關心人們的需要。
  • 期盼–期盼與神同在,成就祂要我們所作的事,並學會忍耐和等候神的帶領。所以光禱告是不夠的,我們還需要記得感恩、讀經、行道、愛人如己、與神同行,並誠誠實實地追求聖潔、渴慕真理。這樣,神必更新我們的生命,讓我們能夠同心實踐主的使命。


布魯斯. 豪斯博士在《尋找上帝的旨意》一書中還為我們列出了,在作決定時應注意的事項:

1) 依《聖經》的啟示來作決定。


2) 依自身的恩賜來作決定。

有自知之明,知道自己的長處和短處,接受自己的能力是有限的。 《聖經》說:
…… 十二使徒叫眾門徒來,對他們說:我們撇下神的道,去管理飯食,原是不合宜的。所以弟兄們,當你們中間選出七個有好名聲,被[聖]靈充滿,智慧充足的人,我們就派他們管理這事。但我們要專心祈禱傳道為事。 ” (使徒行傳 6:1 – 4)

保羅說:“我憑著所賜我的恩對你們各人說:不要看自過於所當看的﹔要照著神所分給各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道。” (羅馬書12:3)

3) 量力而為。



4) 視環境而定。

因應處境而作出合心意的決定,這是無可厚非的。使徒保羅在《使徒行傳》(9:23-25,16:3,16:9) 中為我們提供了可以作為參考的具體事例。當我們和神的關係和諧時,我們的決定會有從聖靈來的引領,不用擔心會有太大的失誤,並且就算我們的判斷錯了,聖靈也必定會帶領我們回到神的光照裡。

5) 依大局而定。



Religious Faith                                   By Francis Loo          

Some people are atheists and some others though spiritual may not be religious. The atheists are skeptical about God and the others may believe in a god but just assume the god dwells beyond our world higher than we can imagine. If your faith grips this verve, you may just choose to believe anyone god that resonates with you.

The Bible says:

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3.16, NIV).

. . . [T]o all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God (John 1:12, NIV).

[Then Jesus declared,] “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty” (John 6:35, NIV).  “I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life” (John 6:47, NIV).

I have come into the world as a light so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness (John 12:46, NIV).

[Then Jesus told [Thomas], “Because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are those who have not and yet have believed” (John 20:29, NIV).

Gospel Luke (18:18-22, .NIV) told of a certain ruler who asked what must he do to inherit eternal life.  He told Jesus that he had kept all the commandments since he was a boy.  But Jesus said he still lacked one thing. “. . . Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasures in heaven.  Then come, follow me,” said Jesus.

Jesus’ order: “. . .  come, follow me” was not heeded.  The ruler did not respond. He was so sad because he had his own perceived values, his social status and his expectations, all these possessions Jesus had asked him to dispossess i.e., to sell all he had to just follow Him.  But it is a direct command from God–an order to comply, not to select. Then Jesus said to his disciples, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24).  This means that a man whose heart is occupied by thoughts of wealth and power has no room for God.

As usual, we incline to do things “our ways”, or habitually make the same mistakes we’ve repeatedly made. As Paul says: “[We] do not understand what [we] do. For what [we] want to do [we] do not do, but what [we] hate [we] do” (Romans 7:14-15). As a result, our faith may have degenerated into a mere projection of ourselves. We enjoy a self-centred life, believing in God and doing freely what we desire.

In this secular world, life is often like a stormy sea. We have to face many challenges and adversities such as serious illnesses. Sometimes having earnestly prayed to God, we experienced healing. Also, our friends, relatives, brothers or sisters in church for whom we prayed for healing have provided many testimonies of recovery cases.

Whereas when God did not heal or completely heal despite our earnest praying, we would develop a sense of disappointment. We may become dubious, then the question “Where is God?” Why do we have to suffer? We begin to doubt. Does God care and hear our prayers?

What we ought to know is our God is sovereign. He has a life plan for every one of us. He is our heavenly Father who wants to give us the best. He wants to introduce the life of Jesus Christ into our lives. He wants us to lead a Christ-centered life through Jesus as his disciples. Our relationship with Jesus is a “vine-branches” relationship. If we do remain in Jesus and He in us whatever we do will bear much spiritual fruit that glorifies our Father God in heaven (John 15:1-8).

Mart De Haan puts it so well in Our Daily Bread (December 10, 2014):

Broken by a series of mounting troubles, Job felt abandoned. When God finally spoke, He didn’t tell Job why he was suffering. Nor did the Creator tell him that someday He would suffer for Job. Instead, He drew Job’s attention to a series of natural wonders that are always whispering to us—and sometimes shouting—about wisdom and power far greater than our own (Job 38:1-11). . . .

The experiences of Job are among the most heartrending found anywhere in the Scriptures. The loss of his children, wealth, and health drove him to question the purposes of God and wonder why He was silent. Then in Job 38, God finally responded. And when He did, He didn’t offer Job answers—He offered Himself. The reminders of God’s greatness and power are not to be seen as cold or heartless, but as legitimate cause to put our trust in Him, even when we suffer and don’t know why.” (Our Daily Bread).

Although the true purpose behind the trials that God wishes us to go through may not be known, in fact, after the event, many of us trying to forget the trepidation and hardship we’d been through would have grown up deeper in character.

Religious faith is to believe, trust and obey God.

 Jesus Christ our saviour is the only foundation on which we can build our house (life). What has been built on top of weak ground will collapse like any house built on sand. We need the spiritual insight of knowing God and learning what the reality is in our lives. Any practice of religion or belief not seeking the true God Jesus Christ is only seeking their gods. Jesus Christ said that we did not belong to this world but He asked God to be with us in this world (John 17:15-16). We must always worship our God in spirit and honesty so that the Holy Spirit will be with us and guide our ways of life.

We’ve read in the Bible about His disciples fleeing from Him when Jesus Christ was crucified. Obviously, in their minds, Messiah (Christ) should have arrived in triumph in this world – victoriously ruling all nations as King of kings. The disciples just could not accept the humility of Christ being hung on the cross. Therefore, the suffering of Christ in this horrific manner was beyond the comprehension of the Jews. Not until Jesus Christ had arisen and later ascended in a cloud to heaven, the disciples were completely at a loss–totally in the dark. Peter was so bewildered that he didn’t know what to do. He went back to his old fishing profession with the others. While the fishermen failed to catch any fish throughout the night, Jesus Christ appeared on the beach early in the morning. He told Peter to throw the net on the right side of the boat. When they reluctantly obeyed, they were surprised to find that the catch was too heavy for them to pull the net up for there were a large number of fish. Thank God! It dawned on the disciples and they said to Peter, “It was the Lord.” As soon as he heard this, Simon Peter jumped into the water. The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore. When the disciples landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it and some bread. Breakfast was served. How joyful a morning! How surprising to realize at that moment what Jesus had said to them not too long ago about His resurrection that was too far-fetching for the disciples to understand at that time! (John 21:1-14).

The Bible through the Book of Acts presents an entirely new picture. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the incredible change of behaviour of Peter and the other disciples and the conversion of Paul, having blessed with great strength and character, courage as well as bravery and tremendous love for God, all these enabled them to go through their sufferings, persecutions and make self-less sacrifices without fear. These testimonies instill us with great awe–they demonstrated to us the power of God in the true religious faith in believing God through the salvation of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

We may find some believers in church putting in very good appearances. They look serious and very religious. They participate in all religious activities and attend diligently Bible classes. But most important of all, if they truly believe and trust God guiding their lives, the Holy Spirit will speak to their hearts edifying them to live godly lives. It is written (Psalm 23:2-3, NIV):

 He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, He restores my soul, He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

God wants to be our good shepherd and He restores our souls through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, who died for us sinners at the cross. If we confess as contrite sinners to Jesus Christ, we seek God; it is God’s grace that we will be found. Therefore, we have nothing to boast for we cannot by good deeds be saved. It is the will of God who chooses to reveal Himself and He wants us to be His children. We ought to be truly and honestly willing to build up our faith on the foundation of Jesus Christ – His Word – the Bible on which to build our house i.e., our ways of life. True faith in us is a commitment forever to God that is Love–a covenant made between God and ourselves. Jesus Christ died for us and by His precious blood, the relationship with God is thus reconciled forever. O, Lord! Thy will be done.

Let us pray —

Heavenly Father:

Teach us to be humble. Reveal to us your way and let us know that what we are doing every day is what you want us to do to glorify your name.  We are limited in ability and wisdom, O Lord! We would ask for your wisdom, Please guide us every day in our lives so that we’ll be in tune with you always. We believe in you, we trust and surrender to you and we will abide by your ways. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.  Amen.

宗 教 信 仰
作者:盧國禮   翻譯:鍾楨


《聖 經》上 說:

神 愛 世 人 ,甚 至 將 祂 的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信祂的,不至滅亡,反得永生。(約翰福音3:16)








路加福音18:18-22 中講述了一個官詢問說如何才能得永生。他告訴耶穌說,他從小遵守了律法上的一切,但是耶穌告訴他說,他還是有所欠缺。 “……變賣你一切所有的,分給窮人,就必有財寶在天上;你還要來跟從我”,耶穌說。

耶穌吩咐他說,”……來跟從我”,但他沒有聽從,沒有回應神的呼召。他心裡悲切,因為他有自己視若珍寶的價值觀,有身份有地位,有他對於未來的期許和其他耶穌要他放棄的林林總總,而他要做的是變賣所有的來跟從神。但是這顯然是一個從神而來的命令,是一個不容置疑的指示。然後耶穌告訴祂的門徒們, “我又告訴你們,駱駝穿過針的眼,比財主進神的國還容易呢!”(馬太福音19:24)這意味著,如果一個人的心思意念被屬世的金錢和權利所充滿,神就不會與他同在。

我們一如既往地固執己見,堅持事情需要按照我們的方式來成就,又或者是不斷地重複同樣的錯誤,就像保羅所說的那樣,”因為 ‘我們’ 所做的,’我們’ 自己不明白;’我們’ 所願意的,’我們’ 並不做;’我們’ 所恨惡的,’我們’ 倒去做。”(羅馬書7:14-15)結果我們的信仰就可能淪為我們個人意志的一個投影。這現象具體表現為,我們在一種以自我為中心的生活中自得其樂,宣稱自己信靠上帝,但卻隨心所欲地按照自己的私欲而行。


但有些時候,即使在我們非常懇切地禱告之後,我們禱告的對象也沒有得蒙神的醫治。那時,我們就難免會灰心失望。我們也許也會變得心存疑惑,然後開始問說,”神在哪裡?” 我們為什麼要受苦?我們開始懷疑。神真的關心我們禱告的內容嗎?又或者,神是否真的聽我們的禱告?

我們需要意識到我們的神也還是掌權的,他對於我們每個人的生命都已計劃周詳。祂是我們的天父,願意給我們最好的一切。祂想要讓耶穌基督的生命進到我們的裡面。祂想要我們通過耶穌和祂門徒們的幫助,過一個屬神的生活。我們與耶穌之間的關係就好像 “葡萄樹與枝子” 之間的聯結。如果我們聯於耶穌,祂在我們裡面,那麼我們所做的一切事情,就會結出各樣屬靈的果實,而我們的天父也會因此得榮耀。(約翰福音15:1-8)

瑪特.底哈納在 2014 年 12 月 10 日的《靈命日糧》中說得很好:


“約伯的經歷是整本《聖經》當中最讓人為之動容的故事。他失去了他的孩子、財產、健康,而這一連串的打擊使得他開始對神的用意產生疑問。他不明白為何神在這一切的不幸當中保持沉默。然後在《約伯記》的第 38 章中,神終於作出了回應。然而神並沒有給滿懷疑問的約伯一個直接了當的答案,神把自己作為答案給了約伯。神提醒約伯他屬天的能力和無與倫比的偉大並非冷酷無情的存在,我們有理由在自己承受苦難且不知所以然的情況下,仍舊選擇信靠他。”(《靈命日糧》)





我們在《聖經》中讀到有關耶穌基督的門徒是如何在祂被釘十架的時候逃得無影無蹤的。很顯然,在他們的心目中,稱為基督的彌賽亞應該以一種勝利者的姿態降臨到這個世上,祂應該以萬王之王的身份征服全球。門徒們沒有辦法接受基督能夠如此謙卑地被釘十架。因此,基督之所以會承受嚴酷折磨的原因,已經超出了猶太人的理解范圍。在耶穌基督從死裡復活,並在雲裡升到天堂之前,門徒們始終處於一個毫無頭緒、一籌莫展的狀況當中。彼得在巨大的疑惑籠罩底下,不知道該怎麼辦。他於是重操舊業,又和別人一塊干起了漁夫的行當。當這群漁夫勞作了整夜,一條魚也打不到的時候,耶穌於清晨時分在那個海邊向他們顯現。他叫彼得在船的右邊撒網。當漁夫們猶豫著服從了祂的指引之後,他們很驚奇地發現他們不僅打到了魚,而且網裡的魚是那樣多,他們好不容易才把網拉上來。感謝神!那時候,正是黎明破曉時分。門徒們跟彼得說,”是主!” 一聽到這話,西門彼得就跳進水裡。其餘的門徒離岸不遠,就在小船上把那網魚拉過來。他們上了岸,就看見那裡有炭火,上面有魚,又有餅。有主服侍他們享用早飯,那是一個多麼喜樂的早晨!他們又該是如何吃驚地發現耶穌在不久之前已經向他們啟示了自己會死而復活的奧秘,而對於那時候的他們來說,這樣的啟示又是如何地讓他們雲裡霧裡。(約翰福音21:1-14)

《聖經》通過其在《使徒行傳》中的描寫為我們呈現了一幅全新的畫面。在耶穌基督從死裡復活之後,使徒彼得及其他眾人被徹底翻轉的生命,乃至保羅戲劇化的決志,都是神在他們身上澆灌了屬天恩典的明証。他們有了那從上而來的能力、品性、勇氣和對神無與倫比的愛,使得他們也因此能夠歷盡各樣患難、逼迫仍舊可以坦然無懼地舍己。這些見証讓我們嘆為觀止 — 他們用各自的生命向我們展示了神在真正順服聖靈引領、依靠耶穌所成救贖大能的信徒身上所動的聖工。




我們需要真心實意地使我們的生活扎根在耶穌基督的話語中,我們在靈裡的房屋需要以《聖經》中的教導為基礎。真正的信心是我們對於神永遠的委身,是從我們對於神的愛中得到彰顯的 — 是我們與神之間所立的約。耶穌基督為我們而死,因著祂的寶血,我們得以與神在永恆中和好。啊,主啊,願意您的旨意成就。



 教會執事選舉前的反思    作者:盧國禮  

 每年一度的教會執事提名開始了﹐要求弟兄姊妹在截止日期前 (9月16日)﹐將提名表交回委員會。提名對候選人的資格有三重點的要求﹕

1)     合符聖經教導﹕使徒行傳﹐4﹕32﹔6﹕3﹔羅馬書﹐12﹕9-11﹔哥林多前 書﹐12﹕24﹔


2)     合符執事會規定資格﹕

a)     具有正常狀態會籍之會友﹐在本會事奉兩年以上者。

b)     凡已婚之會友﹐其配偶必須重生得救﹐且已接受水禮者。

c)     經常參加教會各項聚會﹐關心聖工﹐樂意配搭事奉者。

d)     在財物奉獻上﹐已盡信徒本份﹐可作信徒榜樣者

3)     年齡在選舉大會時已滿廿五歲。

看見上開的宣告﹐正好給我機會重新反思我們 神對祂屬靈的家實在有甚麼訓誨和指導﹐而實際上﹐在現實裏﹐自問我又能做到達標嗎﹖可得著耶穌基督的讚許嗎﹖

很多時候﹐我們都不敢或不想主動參選 (另有自私的目的除外)﹐因為恐怕被指責﹑被怨﹑被罵﹑又怕領導和行政上的困難’ . . . . . . .等等。還有﹐開會多了﹐時間長﹐給家人共聚的時間也減少了。


在一般的教會情況﹐若不是為了私心﹑傲氣﹑爭拗﹐通常都可表現合一的事奉﹐聖工得以順暢推行﹐達成一定的效果﹐建立 神的國度﹐蒙 神恩惠。那麼﹐信徒的委身與承擔﹑合一﹑互愛和投入﹐便成為 神家的祝福﹔但是﹐信徒若是閒懶﹑論斷﹑結黨﹑分爭和冷淡﹐便給魔鬼留地步﹐信徒不自覺地﹐背叛了 神的旨意。

後現代一般的教會景況﹐很像一世紀時的老底家教會﹐“. . . 你的行為﹐. . . 不冷也不熱. . . ” (啟示錄﹐3﹕15﹐和合本)。

神怎樣教導祂的兒女呢﹖ 神說﹕“凡我所疼愛的﹐我就必責備管教他﹔所以你要發熱心﹐也要悔改。. . . 聖靈向眾教會所說的話﹐凡有耳的﹐就應該聽。” (啟示錄﹐3﹕19,22﹐和合本)。

使徒保羅說﹕“那許多信的人﹐都是一心一意的﹐…他的東西…都是大家公用。”(使徒行傳﹐4﹕32﹐和合本)。“所以弟兄們﹐當從你們中間選出七個有好名聲﹐被聖靈充滿﹐智慧充足的人﹐我們就派他們管理這事 (飯食)”。(使徒行傳﹐6﹕3﹐和合本)。我們看見﹐執事的其中之一的功能就是飯食﹐套用現代文化的名詞﹐就是教會行政事務﹐例如﹕物業管理﹐薪酬﹑會計﹑報稅務﹑聯絡等等。執事們都要因個別的恩賜而分工合作﹐因此牧者才能更專注牧養和門徒訓練的工作。


保羅在羅馬書再進一步說明執事的應有品德﹕“愛人不可虛假﹔惡要厭惡﹐善要親近。愛弟兄﹐要彼此親熱﹐(Be devoted to one another in brotherly love.) 恭敬人﹐要彼此推讓。(Honour one another above yourselves.) 殷勤不可懶惰﹐要心裏火熱﹐常常服事主。”(羅馬書﹐12﹕9-11﹐和合本)。

最後﹐保羅更直接說出監督和執事的屬靈品格。他對年少的提摩太的指導﹐也是對各教會的訓導﹕“人若要得監督的職分﹐就是羨慕善工。. . . 作監督的﹐必須無可指責﹐只作一個婦人的丈夫﹐有節制﹐自守﹐端正﹐樂意接待遠人﹐善於教導。不因酒滋事﹐不打人﹔只要溫和﹐不爭競﹐不貪財﹔好好管理自己的家﹐使兒女凡事端莊順服。人若不知道管理自己的家﹐焉能照管 神的教會呢﹖初入教的﹐不可作監督﹐恐怕他自高自大﹐就落在魔鬼所受的刑罰裏。監督也必須在教外有好名聲﹐恐怕被人毀謗﹐落在魔鬼的網羅裏。



執事只要作一個婦人的丈夫﹐好好管理兒女和自己的家。因為善作執事的﹐自己就得到美好的地步﹐並且在基督耶穌裏的真道上大有膽量。”  (提摩太前書﹐3﹕1-13﹐和合本)。


2)a) 項﹕“具有正常狀態會籍之會友”﹐本人覺得真是“可圈可點”的﹔這裏暗示教會中有不正常狀態會籍的會友﹐他 (她) 的表現究竟是怎樣的呢﹖可有客觀的標準﹖

2)d) 項也說到有關﹕“在 . . . 奉獻上﹐已盡信徒本份﹐可作信徒榜樣者。” 這裏也常聽聞奇怪的考慮自辯﹕除稅後才計算﹔不在自己教會奉獻是正確的﹐因為表示對教會執事會不滿﹔把對外慈善捐獻計算在內. . . . . .。

聖經對奉獻和金錢的奉獻應有的心態﹐在不同情況下﹐都有明顯的教導﹐信徒要自己領悟。現想把 神不喜悅的奉獻心態和大家分享﹑共勉之。

  •  不健康的奉獻﹕

這頭生的﹐若有甚麼殘疾﹐就如瘸腿的﹐瞎眼的﹐無論有甚麼惡殘疾﹐都不可獻給耶和華 你的 神 。 (申命記﹐15﹕21﹐和合本) 。

  •  假冒為善的奉獻﹕

假冒為善的宰牛﹐好像殺人﹐獻羊羔﹐好像打折狗項﹐獻供物﹐好像獻豬血﹐燒乳香﹐好像稱頌偶像。這等人揀選自己的道路﹐心裡喜悅行可憎    (以賽亞書﹐66﹕3﹐和合本)

  • 罪人的奉獻﹕

惡人獻祭耶和華所憎惡;正直人祈禱他所喜悅。 (箴言﹐15﹕8﹐和合本) 。

  •  污穢的奉獻﹕

你們將穢的食物獻在我的壇上, 且說:‘ 我們在何事上穢你呢’ , 因你們,‘ 耶和華的桌子﹐是可藐視的。’ (瑪拉基書﹐1﹕7﹐和合本) 。

  •  不公義的奉獻﹕

你們倒說:  ‘ 無論何人對父母﹕ “ 我所當奉給你的﹐已經作了供獻”﹐. . . . . . ’  (馬太福音﹐15﹕5﹐和合本)。

  •   驕傲心的奉獻﹕

法利賽人站著﹐自言自語的禱告: ‘ 神啊﹐我感謝你﹐我不像別人勒索、不義 、姦淫 ﹐ 也不像這個吏。我一個禮拜禁食兩次﹐凡我所得的, 都捐上十分之一。’  (路加福音﹐18﹕11-12﹐和合本)。

  •   欺哄聖靈的奉獻﹕

田地還沒有賣﹐不是你自己的麼?  既賣了﹐價銀不是你作主麼? 你怎麼心裡起這意念呢 ﹖ 你不是欺哄人﹐是欺哄 神了

亞拿尼亞聽見這話﹐就仆倒﹐斷了氣。聽見的人都甚懼怕。有些少年人起來﹐把他包裹﹐ 抬出去埋葬了。

約過了三小時﹐他的妻子進來﹐還不知道這事, 彼得對他﹕“ 你告訴我﹐ 你們賣田地的價銀﹐就是這些麼? ”

﹕“ 就是這些。”

彼得﹕“ 你們為麼同心試探主的靈呢? 埋葬你丈夫之人的 已到門口﹐他們也要把你抬出去。”

婦人立刻仆倒在彼得前 ﹐斷了氣。那些少年人進來﹐見他已經死了﹐就抬出去﹐埋在他丈夫旁邊。 (使徒行傳﹐5﹕4-10﹐和合本) 。

基督教聖經對世人的啟示                           作者:盧國禮  


基督教的聖經曾啟示我們說:“第一要緊的,該知道在末世必有好譏誚的人,隨從自己的私慾出來譏誚說:主要降臨的應許在那裡呢?因為從列祖睡了以來,萬物與起初創造的時候仍是一樣” (彼得後書三章三至四節)。聖經在馬太福音廿四章也記錄了耶穌基督向門徒說及祂再來的徵兆。祂說:“你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們,。因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:我是基督,並且要迷惑許多人。” (馬太福音廿四章四至五節)。“民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒,、地震。這都是災難的起頭。那時,人要把你們陷在患難裡,也要殺害你們,你們又要為我的名, 萬民恨惡。那時,必有許多人跌倒,也要彼此陷害,彼此恨惡;且有好些假先知起來,迷惑多人,。只因不法的事增多,許多人的愛心,才漸漸冷淡了。惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。” (馬太福音廿四章七至十三節)。

現代仍有些人,他們主觀地相信沒有 神靈之事,不相信 神的創造,卻認為一切皆是偶然產生及其因果關係,生命從進化而來,人生並沒有自己的目的意向及內心的感受,例如:喜怒哀樂之感受,只是物質化學反應作用產生的副產品,人死了,好像燈滅,是空虛,是永遠滅亡。這樣的生命,當然沒有生存的目的和意義,更不需要責任、仁愛、公義、成聖等美善情操。自己可以主觀認定應有的生命價值。若社會裡大多數人有相同的人生和道德觀,那麼便成為社會公認的標準價值。在民主國家裡,這些標準便得法律保護,成為合法,合理的社會制度。沒有絕對的真理。

我們試想想,人的知識、學問、智慧、科學是否無極限?是否全能、全知?現象中的一切恆常秩序,仰以觀於天文,俯以察於地理;有生命的動物,各從其類,豈可無其主宰而能自律?如果一切皆是偶然,又何能有定律、吉凶、剛柔相推而生變化。信神的人,他們知道人的思想、欲望、感受不只是人體內的化學運動,因為人裡面有良知、目的和永恆的盼望。無 神觀念的人又怎樣能夠答辯下例的問題:

(1)     為何人會思想人生意義及表達思想?(動物卻不能)。

(2)     為何世上人類會有不同族類,但為何有相同的道德標準?為何有向善心態?

(3)     為何人內心深處有不可消滅追求真理並向創造主負責的心態?

很多知名的科學家都信 神的創造,近代科學多數承認從物理生物的研究中未能解答創造的奇妙。它們雖然不能証明有 神,卻說其中必有一“超越智慧”者。東西方已有 神及泛 神論者皆覺得世界非只是物質和機械化的運作,而人卻有靈魂。

對基督信仰認識不深的人,他們以為聖經所記載的不過是以色列人民族幾千年歷史陳跡。但是肯研究聖經的基督徒則堅信聖經 (或稱 神的話語) 是 神的啟示。從舊約的創世,新約的基督耶穌降生,救贖人類及教會的建立,從歷史的演進不斷證明祂的整個救贖人類計劃,包括過去、現在和未來的一切事。假如這是萬一的可能事實,而人類不去尋找,便會失去白白可得的救恩,不能與 神和好,帶著罪的靈魂便會走向永恆的滅亡。這就是聖經啟示錄說的“第二次死”。

神就是愛!住在愛裡面的,就是住在 神裡面, 神也住在他裡面。 (約翰一書四章十二,十三,十六節)。“神愛世人,甚至將祂的獨生子賜給他們,叫一切信祂的,不至滅亡,反得永生,。因為 神差祂的兒子降世,不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因祂得救。”(約翰福音三章十六,十七節)。耶穌基督:“我就是生命的糧,到我這裡來的,必定不餓;信我的,永遠不渴。”(約翰福音六章三十五節)。祂又說:“我父的意思,是叫一切見子而信的人得永生,並且在末日我要叫他復活。”(約翰福音六章四十節)。耶穌說祂是生命的糧,而且是從上降下來的糧。這是生命的糧,人吃了就必永遠活著。當然,耶穌基督不是表達字面的意思,吃祂的肉,喝祂的血,而是祂要常在我們裡面,我們也要常在祂裡面,神的靈便常與我們同在,充滿我們。如果我們信 神,便因信主耶穌基督,白白得了救贖的恩典,老我已死,新我重生,是靈的重生,一切都是新的了。我們活著,因為 神活著,新的生命就是永生的開始,心意漸漸更新而變化,走上分別為聖的天路,盼望主耶穌基督的再來,救恩便完全。

聖經既然是 神的話語,對我們信耶穌的人會有甚麼教導?會有甚麼啟示呢?聖經在我們生命裡會有甚麼果效?

聖經這本書不是一個連續故事,聖經包括詩歌、箴言、歷史、預言、傳福音記錄、書信等等。雖然作者不同,時段不同,寫作地點不同,也經歷逼迫約二百多年之久,但其內容、主旨、教訓都基於相同的道德標準,向人類啟迪生命之道和永生 神的愛和拯救計劃。所以聖經不是一本書,而是包括六十六冊的一本書:舊約三十九冊,在基督降世前完成,原文是希伯來文,新約廿七冊,在主後一世紀寫成,原文是希臘文。(聖經主要原文為希伯來文和希臘文)。新約提摩太後書三章十六,十七節有這話語 “聖經都是 神所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、教導人學義,都是有益的,叫屬 神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。” 當時保羅是指舊約而說的。

總的說:聖經最大的啟示就是耶穌基督降世成為人的救主,祂“道成肉身”為人的原罪作挽回祭,以無罪的,擔當有罪的,釘身十字架,使世人得與 神和好,第三日復活,第四十日升天,坐於全能者的右邊,為信祂的人禱告。凡信祂的人,祂就賜他們權柄,作 神的兒女,不是靠行善,作公德,惟屬 神的恩典和祂的揀選。我們只要真心認自己的罪,完全交出生命,求耶穌基督作自己生命的主,我們便白白得到永恆的生命,我們自問是否真心願意放下自我為中心,謙卑在 神的施恩座前,交出生命的主權,讓創天造地及人類,全知全能的 神掌管呢?

如果你願意相信耶穌基督是宇宙的主宰,又願祂成為你生命的主,你應用信實的心靈向 神呼求,認一切的罪並悔改,求祂從此掌管你日後的生命,帶領你走人生天路。

你應用信實的心靈向 神這樣祈求:“親愛的主耶穌,我知道我是個罪人,需要祢的赦免,我相信祢為我的罪而死,我要離開罪惡。求祢現在進入我的心和我的生命中,作我的救主,並且掌管我的生命,帶領我走人生的道路。感謝主,垂聽我的禱告,奉耶穌基督的名求,阿們。”

The Bible and You 

By Francis Loo

September 11 ( 911), 2001, in the history of New York (U.S.A.) was momentous. And the whole world was also shocked. Two tallest buildings, the most prestigious state of the art offices in the most prosperous city core for many years had been the image of wealth and power under the strict surveillance of high-tech security control, were razed to the ground in minutes.  Who could imagine that these sites, rubble and dust, have become the final resting place for thousands of innocent souls who lost their lives in this coward, brutal massacre? Sad to know only a few were rescued but they were suffering from fatal injury both physically and mentally.

No sooner than that had happenedPresident George Bush declared that America saw evil and he realized that America was at warbetween righteousness and sin.  We share their grief of “unyielding anger”.  Since then the U.S  has strengthened the unity of the people. And we see the resolve of the Americans and the concerted efforts internationally to fight against terrorism–trying to uproot the evil and the sin. Today the war is continuing. . . . How could we view this event from the perspective of the Bible? We know that two thousand years ago God came in flesh to this world in Jesus Christ.

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son   (John 3:16 – 18,  NIV).

After 20 centuries, there are still many peoples who choose to disbelieve the true God, but so many things are deemed as gods including their own consciousness. Even many Christians who have claimed as “children of God were described as”neither cold nor hot.” God said, “I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation: 3:15-16, NIV).

John wrote to the Church in Laodicea:

You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’  But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.  I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich, and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness, and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see  (Revelation 3:17 – 18, NIV).

The catastrophe (nick-named as 911) that occurred in New York has awakened the world. And, undoubtedly, this adverse event, prompted the Americans to reflect deeply on their ways of life and look back on their culture. When they try to restore the original religious faith of their forefathers and to re-evaluate the true meaning of life vis-à-vis the present American ways of life, prosperity, vice and lust ingrained in society ever since their ancestors first landed in North America, many have become enlightened. The sudden attitudinal change to strengthened faith in Christ Jesus is seen in public. Openly, President Bush and their people prayed to God for blessing America. We should thank God for those, because of God’s grace, whose souls are restored… I pray whoever believes in God will abide by Jesus Christ. Amen.

Some spiritual leaders say, “Jesus Christ is our life architect and the Bible is our blueprint.” Since Jesus Christ is our life architect, we must believe that God will provide the best for us.  We must devote ourselves to reading the Bible daily and as often as possible for His guidance and our understanding of His providence in us… “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33, NIV).


But, why do we need to study the Bible for our guidance in life?  What authority the Bible has over our lives? What is that the Bible can do we cannot do for us? In other words, what transforming power the Bible has over our lives?

The Bible is not a continued story. It consists of short chapters and verses. Some are poetry, others prose. Some are historical, others prophetical. Some missionary reports others are church letters or personal correspondence. The Bible is not a collection of literal works of some writers. Nevertheless, one of the strongest pieces of evidence that the Bible was prepared under divine direction is its unity of thoughts and teaching. All speak of the same God, all uplift the same standards of righteousness, and all tell of divine judgment and eternal reward. None contradicts another. This could not have just happened. Bible is God’s Word.

Time and again down the centuries deliberate efforts have been made to get rid of the Bible, but always in vain. No persecution, however severe, no subtle attacks, however cunning, have been able to destroy it or diminish its influence for good. The Bible could not have been preserved from its many enemies if God had not watched over it with special care.

The Bible is divided into two sections, Old Testament and New Testament. Why part of it is marked “Old” and part of it “New”, when in fact it is all old?  Perhaps you may wonder who wrote the Bible, when, and where. Did one person write it all, or is it the work of several authors?  Is it an original work or a copy?

Now, let’s look at the Bible as a whole.  Actually, it isn’t a single book, but a collection of books. It has been called a living library. Indeed, it is.

In each Bible, you will see that there are 39 books grouped under the section marked “Old Testament” and 27 under the “New Testament”, 66 all told. Many of these “books” are not really books at all in the usual meaning of the word.  Some are merely letters, while others are messages so short that they could be copied on two or three typewritten pages.

The Old Testament was written before Christ and the New Testament after Christ.  Approximately four hundred years elapsed between the writing of the last book of the Old Testament–Malachi– and the writing of Matthew, the first book in the New Testament. While the Old Testament was written in Hebrew (with a few passages in Aramaic) the New Testament in Greek

The Bible was sixteen hundred years in preparation. The earliest book–Job–is believed to have been written by Moses about 1500 BC, while John finished writing his contributions to the Scriptures in the last decade of the first century AD.

The 66 books were the work of some thirty-five authors. Moses is credited with writing all the first five books, namely, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Paul wrote all thirteen epistles or letters, from Romans through to Philemon, and possibly also Hebrews.

David wrote many of the Psalms; Solomon to whom are credited Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon; Luke wrote both the books of Luke and Acts; and John, who wrote the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation.

Surprisingly, all the authors with different backgrounds and experiences at different times in history blended the words they wrote together for over 2000 years on one subject, i.e., Jesus Christ is our Savior. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” (Revelation 22:13) NIV.

Consider now where the Bible was written. Parts were written in the Wilderness of Sinai, others in Jerusalem, and some in Babylon while the Jews were in captivity there; a few books on the island of Patmos in the Mediterranean.

Unfortunately not one of the original writings exists today. Probably they have long since mouldered into dust. But when the manuscripts were still in existence, they were carefully copied. There are many early documents (whole or part) in the great museums and libraries of the world.

About 700 AD a group of Jewish scholars called Masoretes took upon themselves the task of ensuring the accurate transmission of the Old Testament to future generations. And very strict rules of copying were established.

In 1948, a considerable number of very ancient manuscripts had come to light in a cave near the Dead Sea. Scholars declared that the scrolls of Isaiah and other Old Testament written were hundred of years older than any yet found, dating back possibly to the second century before Christ.

The Hebrew authorities, after ten years of intensive study, have revealed only slight differences between the Masoretic text and that of the Dead Sea Scrolls. This confirms the strict accuracy and faithfulness of the copyists.

The original Hebrew was translated. One of the earliest and most important translations was into Greek called the Septuagint, because of the seventy Jewish scholars who had prepared it. The work was completed in Alexandria, Egypt, during the second and third centuries BC.

The New Testament was written in a form of Greek known as Koine, which was the common speech of the masses in apostolic times.  The apostles and Jesus Himself probably spoke in Aramaic, but they recorded their words in the language of the people of that day.

The Codex Vaticanus is probably the oldest almost-complete copy of the Bible in existence. It derives its name from the fact that in 1481 it was already in the library of the Vatican in Rome. Little is known of its history before that date, but scholars have declared that it belongs to the first half of the fourth century. Its vellum sheets measure ten by ten and one-half inches, with three columns of writing on each page.

Another priceless manuscript is the Codex Sinaiticus, discovered in 1844 by German scholar Tischendorf at the monastery of St. Catherine near Mount Sinai. In 1859 he presented it to the Czar of Russia at St. Petersburg, where, three years later, it was published by Tischendorf. In 1933 for 100,000 pounds sterling–raised by public subscription throughout Great Britain, and a government grant–it was purchased for the British Museum. This manuscript is also written on vellum sheets, fifteen by thirteen and one-half inches, with usually four columns on each page.  It is dated by scholars about the middle of the fourth century, probably somewhat later than the Codex Vaticanus.

A third important manuscript, known as the Codex Alexandrinus, also in the British Museum, dates back to the first half of the fifth century AD. Originally it contained the entire Bible, but today it lacks almost all of Matthew, much of the Psalms and of 2 Corinthians.


Sir Frederic Kenyon, one-time director of the British Museum and an authority on Biblical manuscripts wrote on page 23 of his “Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts” (1941) as follows:

Although there does not exist today the original writings of the Bible, it can be said truthfully the present Hebrew text of the Old Testament and the Greek text of the New Testament are accurate as men of the highest skill, integrity, and devotion can make them.

The Christian can take the whole Bible in his hand and say without fear or hesitation that he holds in it the true Word of God, handed down without essential loss from generation to generation throughout the centuries.

Paul said:

 . . . the holy Scriptures, which can make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.  All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:15 – 16, NIV).

Let us pray —

Heavenly Father,

Please forgive our ignorance. Please forgive our pride. Please teach us to be humble. O, Lord! Whenever we read Your Word, please enlighten us and teach us how to live our lives according to Your will. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights” (James 1:17).

信仰宣言  向上敬拜真神














Burnaby Christ Church of Chin                                                                                                        

Mission Statements

(Translation of the Chinese Verses)

Upward Exaltation of the Triune God

                                                                                                                   O, Lord! Downward You watch may.                                                                                           Reverent hearts, honestly pray                                                                                                                  To the true God and walk His way.                                                                                               Truth– the path –  no doubt, it’s eternal.                                                                                           God executes righteousness here to judge.                                                                              Towards good, depart sins; it’s your part.                                                                                       To lay the foundation you need a deep heart.

Downward Exposition of the Word of God

Rooted on rocks, building tall,                                                                                              Firmly rooted deep wind no more.                                                                                       Truth is never hindered by God-protects.       Way to true God escapes anguish dreams. 

Inward Edification of the People of God

Inside should be mutual help,                                                                                           Precepts indwelled, behaviour controlled –walk righteously.                                                      Mutual care, forgiveness in love–                                                             The precepts of Jehovah are there.                           

Outward Evangelize the Word of God

Set your goal, proclaim the Gospel debt–far and wide.                                             The Kingdom of God is established in this world.                                                                                 The fortune arrives with God – new heaven and earth.                                                                     The grace of music fills the sky.                    

About Francis Loo

I'm a retired landed property professional since 2005 with 57 years working experience, 41 of which related to landed property in Valuation, Property Management, Lease Negotiation etc., in Hong Kong, Toronto and Vancouver. A Guide to Effective Property Management in Hong Kong published in 1991 and translated in 1998 for Chun San University external training courses. Have been contributing biblical articles to Truth Monthly after retirement.
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